High density IR absorbing filter

We have succeeded in increasing the density of the conventional IR absorbing filter - ISK171.

This high density allows the same performance to be obtained with thinner thickness.

With thinner thickness, it is lighter in weight, alleviating the weak point of glass---weight.

We succeeded in reducing the weight of finished products such as laser safety glasses approximately 30%.

Comparison data between conventional product (ISK171 t=4.2mm) and high density product (ISK180 t=3.0mm) is as follows.

ISK171, ISK180 transmittance comparison
ISK171, ISK180 OD value comparison
Comparison data
Wavelength(nm) Transmittance(%) OD Value

ISK171 t=4.2mm

High density
ISK180 t=3.0mm

ISK171 t=4.2mm

High density
ISK180 t=3.0mm

850~900 0.016123 0.002517 4 5
900~950 0.000581 0.000039 5 6
950~1000 0.000021 0.000001 7 8
1064 0.000000 0.000000 9 10
1000~1600 0.000002 0.000000 8 9
1600~2000 0.000040 0.000003 6 7
Visible range luminous transmittance(%) 62.170 67.549


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